930 am Speeches and Evaluations Postings
Hi 930 class. Please use this thread to post all your You Tube video links for your speeches by midnight the night before your speech is due. The blog provides a timestamp that authenticates your timely posting of the video. All class members will be able to view your speech from this thread and your posted link. After viewing, class mates can post their evaluations of the speech ( using PDF or Word formats only,) by the deadline of midnight on each M/W speaking day. Speakers can review their colleague evaluations for feedback. Once you have received your outline and speech grade from me, you can remove your You Tube video link. Thank you.
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Hi guys here is my video!
here's my video link
Leslie Esparza
Here’s the link to my video
Chris G. evaluating Hailey C.
PDF link: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A8f3157f6-c6bd-4fc1-b8a7-71dc90582cc6
Jennifer S. evaluating Hailey C.
PDF link: file:///C:/Users/jenni/OneDrive/Desktop/Student%20Evaluation%20Form%20Hailey%20C.pdf
Eugene Choe:
Eugene Choe:
Rene A. evaluating Hailey C.
I was supposed to evaluate Josh today but don't see his link here so I evaluated Hailey's speech.
Word document link:
mikaela k. Evaluating leslie esparza
Shane Tuller's evaluation of Nate's informative speech on Music Therapy
Jennifer S. evaluating Hailey C.
I Guess the link to my PDF wasn't working so here is the full version of my evaluation for Hailey C.
Student Evaluation Form for the Informative Speech
Speaker Hailey Chateau
Respondent Jennifer Sowers
Did the introduction gain my attention? Yes, I liked the story at the beginning, felt relatable.
Was the subject presented as significant to me? Yes.
Did the Speaker’s credibility gain my confidence? Yes
Was there a clear preview of what would follow? Yes
Were the main points clear? Yes
Was the information presented well-organized? Yes
Was the quality of the evidence good? I liked the video and I heard a couple verbal citations.
Did the transitions ease the progression from point to point? I thought the transitions were okay.
Did a summary and review of the main points prepare me for the ending of the speech? Yes, I think she reviewed what she had already talked about well.
Did the speaker provide ample reason for me to refer back to this topic? Yes
IV. DELIVERY Three things that made the delivery effective were:
1. I didn’t hear any verbal clutter which is great!
2. Information was presented well and clearly.
3. I think the video was really great and so was the multiple citations she used.
Three things about the delivery that might be improved were:
1. I know we’re all struggling with integrating the power point into our presentation, I just couldn’t read it at all, so I don’t think it added to the speech.
2. It seemed like a lot of reading was done, maybe a little more practice would have smoothed the presentation out a little bit.
3. Since she was sitting in the speech there wasn’t really any movement.
V. From the speech I learned:
I learned about the medical benefit of music therapy, which I didn’t know much about until after the speech. I thought the speech was mainly going to be about mood, but it was really interesting hearing some of the other benefits.
VI. My overall reaction to the speech was:
I felt like this speech was overall very good. I felt that it was more unique than I thought it was going to be and the information was well put together.
Any personal examples of music that enhances your mood?
Shane T. evaluating Nate B.
Leslie E Evaluating John S.
Alec Williams evaluating Hailey C.
Alec Williams evaluating Hailey C.
Hey guys, here's my speech! thanks so much
Here is the YouTube link to my speech about Foster Care in America:
I believe it is a copy-paste link and not a hyperlink.
I am the fifth speaker on Wednesday, March 8th in case you don't have the speaking order!
hi guys here the link to my video
Chris G evaluating Chris Bell
Link: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A86538fd4-cea8-4a99-a252-1438a5beaccd
Chris G. evaluation for Chris Bell
Link: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A86538fd4-cea8-4a99-a252-1438a5beaccd
hi guys heres the link to my speech
Hello everyone, Here is my evaluation for Christopher's speech. I'm just posting the whole thing here since I can't figure out how to create a working link.
Student Evaluation Form for the Informative Speech
Speaker Christopher B.
Respondent Jennifer Sowers
Did the introduction gain my attention? Yes, it was a little different from what I’ve seen so far but I liked how he chose to start.
Was the subject presented as significant to me? Yes.
Did the Speaker’s credibility gain my confidence? Yes
Was there a clear preview of what would follow? Yes
Were the main points clear? Yes
Was the information presented well-organized? Yes
Was the quality of the evidence good? Yes, I heard a few citations within the speech.
Did the transitions ease the progression from point to point? I thought the transitions were okay
Did a summary and review of the main points prepare me for the ending of the speech? Yes, I thought the conclusion was very good.
Did the speaker provide ample reason for me to refer back to this topic? Yes
IV. DELIVERY Three things that made the delivery effective were:
1. He seemed very calm and he was easy to listen to.
2. It seemed like he was pulling a lot from personal experience and it made it seem like he had a very firm grasp on the information he was presenting.
3. Good eye contact throughout the speech.
Three things about the delivery that might be improved were:
1. There was a little bit of verbal clutter, nothing too major just a few “ums” that could be done away with.
2. Maybe include a few more verbal citations. I only heard one during the speech.
3. There was a few long pauses during the speech, maybe just one or two more times of practice would have smoothed that out.
V. From the speech I learned:
I learned about the different kinds of pharmacies. Until this speech I really only knew about retail pharmacies so it was interesting to learn about the different types and the names for those different types.
VI. My overall reaction to the speech was:
I felt like this speech was overall very good. I didn’t know anything about the subject prior to this speech and Christopher gave good reasons to listen and an overall good speech.
What made you interested in becoming a pharmacy tech in the first place?
Chris B evaluating Duncan
Hailey C evaluation for Christopher Bell

Speaker: Christopher Bell
Respondent: Hailey Chateau
Did the introduction gain my attention? Yes
Was the subject presented as a significant to me? Yes
Did the speaker’s credibility gain my confidence? yes
Was there a clear preview of what would follow? Yes
Were the main points clear? Yes
Was the information presented well-organized? Yes
Was the quality of the evidence good? yes
Did transitions ease the progression from point to point? Yes
Did the summary and review of the main points prepare me for the ending of the speech? yes
Did the speaker provide sample reason for me to refer back to this topic? yes
IV. DELIVERY Three things that made the delivery effective were:
- There was a lot of solid credible sources shown
- Loud clear voice
- Good eye contact
Three things about the delivery that might be improved were:
- Have a power point
- Practice a little more so there is not too big of gaps in between sentences
- Make it a little shorter
V. From the speech I learned:
There are to requirements to be able to be a pharmacy tech
VI. My overall reaction to the speech was:
There was a lot of great in depth points about the topic that shows that you are very passionate about your job and eager to teach everyone else about it.
Jonathan T. Evaluating Duncan
Did the introduction gain my attention? - Yes
Was the subject presented as significant to me? - Yes
Did the speaker's credibility gain my confidence? - Yes
Was there a clear preview of what would follow? - Yes
Were the main points clear? - Yes
Was the information presented well organised? - Yes
Was the quality of the evidence good? - Yes
Did transitions ease progression from point to point? - Yes
Did a summary and review of points prepare me for the end of the speech? - Yes
Did the speaker provide ample reason to refer back to this topic? - Yes
Things that could be improved about the delivery
- Length
- Conciseness
From the speech I learned -
- I learned about old English words as well as the Norman conquest of England
My overall reaction to the speech was -
The speech was very interesting to me because I like history and I found the analysis of old English to also be interesting.
Evaluation for informative speech by Chris B. #12 Alec Williams
Leslie E. evaluating Darya G.
Leslie E.
Questions for Darya G.
1.) What year was the very first film?
2.) Who invented the very first camera in black and white film?
3.) About how much did a film production cost back in 1895?
4.) About how much was a ticket to go see a black and white film?
Thank you.
Here's the link to the video hope ya'll had a good weekend:
Question for christopher's informative speech:What was your reason for wanting to become a pharmacy technician?
Question for Leslie's informative speech:QUESTIONS: Do people in prison have the same opportunities or is it different?
Question for Duncan's informative speech: You say you have a burning passion for the english language and history. What are some things outside of this speech that you work or study on about english language history ?
Question for Eugene's informative speech: Why did the black plague affect the world as much as it did? Did they not have measures to stop the spread? Or did they not know what it was?
Chris B answering Nate Burr
I wanted to become a radiological technician. When I went to apply for the school the competition was a lot. I wanted something to get out of my minimum wage job so I chose to become a pharmacy tech in the mean time.
Student Evaluation Form for the Informative Speech
Speaker Duncan Mullis
Respondent Mikaela King
Did the introduction gain my attention? Yes, I loved the beginning when he spoke old english
Was the subject presented as significant to me? Yes.
Did the Speaker’s credibility gain my confidence? Yes
Was there a clear preview of what would follow? Yes
Were the main points clear? Yes
Was the information presented well-organized? Yes
Was the quality of the evidence good? Yes
Did a summary and review of the main points prepare me for the ending of the speech? Yes
Did the speaker provide ample reason for me to refer back to this topic? Yes
IV. DELIVERY Three things that made the delivery effective were:
1. Great eye contact
2. Information was presented well and clearly
3. Three things about the delivery that might be improved were:
1. He smacked a lot
2. He was looking at his phone a lot note card would have been better for delivery purpose
3. He was sitting in the speech so there wasn’t really any movement.
V. From the speech I learned:
I learned about the old english i thought that there was only one type of english, i am referring to the english we use today in our society.
VI. My overall reaction to the speech was:
I felt like this speech overall was good. I felt that it was more unique and very well put together. I loved when he spoke in old english.
Student Evaluation form for the Informative Speech
Speaker: Leslie Esparza
Respondent: Duncan Mullis
Did the introduction gain my attention? Yes
Was the subject presented as significant to me? Yes.
Did the Speaker's credibility gain my confidence? Yes.
Was there a clear preview of what would follow? Absolutely
Were the main points clear? Yes.
Was the information presented well-organized? Yes.
Was the quality of the evidence good? Definetley
Did transitions ease the progression from point to point? Absolutley
Did a summary and review of the main points prepare me for the ending of the speech? Yes.
Did the speaker provide ample reason for me to return back to this topic? Not in the conclusion
DELIVERY Three things that made the delivery effective were:
Very calm,
Good movement,
Almost no verbal clutter
Three things about the delivery that might be improved were:
Read from slides,
More eye contact,
More vocality.
I learned all about the inmates and the prison system.
Student Evaluation form for the Informative Speech
Speaker: Eugene Choe
Respondent: Duncan Mullis
Did the introduction gain my attention? Yes
Was the subject presented as significant to me? Yes.
Did the Speaker's credibility gain my confidence? No speaker credibility
Was there a clear preview of what would follow? maybe?
Were the main points clear? No,
Was the information presented well-organized? No.
Was the quality of the evidence good? Maybe?
Did transitions ease the progression from point to point? Yes.
Did a summary and review of the main points prepare me for the ending of the speech? Yes
Did the speaker provide ample reason for me to return back to this topic? Not in the conclusion
DELIVERY Three things that made the delivery effective were:
No verbal clutter.
Three things about the delivery that might be improved were:
(Also, you don’t have to read out the sections of your speech.)
I learned about the black plague.
Duncan Speech evaluation from Vince Guida
Nate Speech evaluation from Vince Guida file:///home/chronos/u-cedb892ecad68273c0663b27e744867dbb1d8b54/MyFiles/Downloads/Making%20Your%20Point_%20A%20Workbook%20for%20Effective%20Public%20Speaking%20(1).pdf
Eugene SPeech Evaluation from vince guida file:///home/chronos/u-cedb892ecad68273c0663b27e744867dbb1d8b54/MyFiles/Downloads/Making%20Your%20Point_%20A%20Workbook%20for%20Effective%20Public%20Speaking%20(2).pdf
Chris B evaluating Chris G
Chris B question for Chris G
You spoke about physical damage that might happen to a person, are there any other things that might happen to a person during a car crash?
Rene Ashburn Evaluating Chris G
Monday, April 13th
Chris G responding to Chris B's question:
The other injuries that can result from a car crash is mental injuries from the impact of the brain hitting the skull can result in retardation, memory loss, or death.
Duncan Mullis to Eugene Cho:
How did you become interested in the Black Plague? What gives you license to speak about it?
Hello everybody,
Here is the link to the video of my speech:
Due the 22nd so I know I'm showing up here a little early.
One of my action steps is to complete a quiz. I emailed you all a more detailed email with instructions. If you feel persuaded please complete the quiz, I'd really appreciate it!
Here is the link to the CDC's article:
Here is the link to the quiz I created:
Thanks everybody! Looking forward to watching everybody's upcoming speeches!
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